Did you know that when people hire an assistant they often DOUBLE their production?
I can hear you saying “C’mon. I can see where my quality of life would improve, but double?”
Ok, the truth of the matter is that your production doubling is a very, very real and common occurrence when people get the administrative help that they need. The catch is that when you’re freed up from doing these tasks that you can delegate, your production only doubles if you use that time to follow up with leads more consistently and on proactive lead generation activities. Have you been meaning to make your phone calls but just couldn’t get to it? Has someone mentioned a need but you didn’t try as hard as you could’ve to connect because you’re already so overwhelmed?
If you think about the income producing tasks that you’ve let go to the wayside because there was time sensitive paperwork that needed to be shuffled, you will get an assistant immediately.
And, you’re right, your quality of life does improve.
Don’t be scared. Take that leap!
I (Julie) have hired and worked with many assistants and learned a lot about what to do and what to avoid in that process and I’m here to help you through it!