This time of year tends to be a time when the passing of one year to the next causes us to reflect. Was 2018 a year of heart ache or joy? New relationships or ending relationships? Experiencing new places and food?
What about your business? Was it the level of success you had hoped for? If not, why not? If so, how can it be even better next year?
These questions can come casually to our mind. Take the opportunity to think more than casually about what 2019 should look like. Take some time to visualize what you want next year to look like. Maybe you set a goal for income and number of transactions, but this is hard to feel at a gut level. To engage at a deeper level you need to take it a step further and think about why that goal is important to you. If you achieved your goal income, what would your life look like? Did you pay off some debt and free yourself of the financial worrying? Did you buy a new car? What kind of experiences or vacation did you have with your family? Did you funding your retirement fund and kids’ college fund?
When we set goals that stretch us, we will hit road blocks. There will be phone calls you don’t want to make and times that you’ll need to push forward even when you feel out of energy. When you feel like saying “It’s not really that important”, that’s when you think back to your goals. Remember how you had visualized that feeling of being debt free or the view of the Grand Canyon, and then do the hard thing.
When people ask me what it takes to be successful in real estate, I tell them the #1 thing is grit. Grit means persevering when it gets hard. Setting goals that you don’t give us on, no matter what. Goals that you can taste and feel and refuse to give us on is one of major way that you can create grit for yourself.
What do you want so bad that there is no turning back? You only live once, don’t squander it by not doing all you can to achieve your dreams. Now is the time! 2019 is your year!